
Guyana: Cattle Farmer Charged With Murder of Brothers

Keeran Jeenarine called “Romeo” or “Romie” of Bush Lot Village East Berbice, Corentyne was on Tuesday remanded to prison for the murder of the Samaroo brothers on December 31, 2018.

Jeenarine, who was represented by Attorney-at-Law Charlyn Artiga, appeared before Magistrate Alex Moore at the Mibicuri Magistrate’s Court in Black Bush Polder for the indictable charge of two counts of murder.

He managed to keep a straight face as the charge was read to him, which stated that on December 31, he murdered Premcharrand Samaroo and Haricharran Samaroo during the course or furtherance of a robbery.

Artiga called for the full disclosure of all statements and video recordings, which the police are claiming, implicated her client. She is contending that there is footage which places her client at a supermarket at the time of the murder and witnesses who can testify to same.

She further called for the matter to be dealt with expeditiously, noting that her client was held beyond the 72 hour period and was making provisions to seek bail at the High Court when he was charged.

Cattle Farmer Charged With Murder of Brothers

Police Prosecutor Orin Joseph, in response, stated that he is new to the case and only received the files in court on the said date and had not enough time to fully examine same.

He continued that all indictable matters are referred to the chambers Director of Public Prosecutions for advice before charges are instituted which was the cause for the delay.

Jeenarine was remanded and will make his next appearance at the Springlands Magistrate’s Court on January 22, 2019 before Magistrate, Alex Moore once again.

Jeenarine, 18, a cattle farmer, had surrendered himself to police on Thursday last after a wanted bulletin for him and another suspect, Kelvin Shivgobin called “Kelly” of Belvedere, was issued.

Jeenarine reportedly confessed to investigators over the weekend as being the one who hatched the plan to rob an overseas-based Guyanese who was at the home of the Samaroos.

He reportedly told the police the plan was never to kill, but only to rob and that the other wanted suspect was the one who is the alleged shooter/killer.


At around 20:15hrs on December 31, 2018, the Samaroo brothers, Jeenarine and Munilall Roberts Kumar, an overseas-based cousin of the Samaroos, were gathered at their mother’s home having a drink to ring in the New Year, when Jeenarine left with another of the Samaroo brothers to purchase beers.

During the period the duo were out, it was reported that the family heard sounds like fireworks coming from the backyard. Premchand called “Tully”, a labourer and a father of two, accompanied by his older sibling, Haricharran, went to investigate the sound.

It was reported that “Tully” came face-to-face with the bandits and was shot at point blank range. He died instantly. Harricharran was struck by pellets from the blast and was also brutalised. He later succumbed at the Port Mourant Hospital.

The bandits turned their attention to Kumar and dealt him several blows about the body, forcing him to hand over GYD$5,000 and US$350.

The men then took 67-year-old Irene Samaroo, mother of the now deceased brothers, to the upper flat of the house where she was forced to hand over a bag containing GYD$70,000.