Guadeloupe Confirms Four New Cases of Coronavirus

Guadeloupe Confirms Four New Cases of Coronavirus; Total Now Five

(SNO) – The French island of Guadeloupe on Saturday confirmed four new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total to five so far.

Late Saturday, Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) revealed that the new cases involve a 56-year-old woman who returned from a stay in Paris, two men aged 35 and 46, and another woman, 69.

Their travel history is now being investigated to identify the source of their contamination.


Coronavirus test

The News website, La 1ère reported that the health of the infected people is not of concern at this point and they have been instructed to stay home. They were also told to observe isolation procedures that are in force.

A search is underway by the Santé Publique France and the ARS for other people they have been in contact with, according to La 1ère.

Guadeloupe reported its first case of the dreaded virus on March 12.
